The Cassidy Law Firm Blog

Thursday, May 10, 2018

New Jersey Cracks Down on Distracted Drivers

What is the penalty for texting while driving in NJ?

New Jersey police officers have stepped up their efforts to end distracted driving as part of a national campaign entitled “U Drive. U Text. U Pay.” The crackdown started on April 1st and will continue for the month of April and beyond. April marks National Distracted Driving Month, making it a perfect time for local law enforcement officers to increase enforcement of existing Read more . . .

Friday, April 13, 2018

NJ Court to Decide Whether Volunteer Firefighter Can Receive Workers’ Comp

Can I receive workers’ compensation benefits if I am injured while volunteering?

Volunteers change the world with their willingness to donate their time to help others. While many volunteers feel that volunteering has a positive impact on their lives, some volunteer positions come with risks. Those that volunteer in fire departments, rescue agencies, schools, and animal shelters, among other positions, could be injured while helping. Legal questions then arise as to who is liable for the injuries suffered by volunteers.

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Thursday, April 5, 2018

Examining Uber’s First Fatal Self-Driving Car Accident

Are self-driving vehicles safe?

A recent fatal accident involving an Uber self-driving vehicle is gathering national attention and concern. Accident reports reveal that the Uber vehicle was being tested in autonomous mode in Arizona.
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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Head-on Accidents in New Jersey

What are the top causes of head-on accidents?

Recently, a New Jersey Transit bus crashed head-on into a garbage truck, killing one and injuring four others. The accident happened in Essex County on Springfield Avenue.  Officials report that the bus driver died in the accident, while several others were seriously injured.  Fortunately, no passengers were aboard the bus at the time of the crash. This Read more . . .

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Fed Government Makes Way for Self-Driving Cars

Are self-driving cars safer than traditional automobiles?

Once a thing of science fiction, self-driving vehicles are today widely regarded as the next generation of cars.  In a recent listening session held by the United States Department of Transportation, the federal government made it clear that they would not stand in the way of the development of autonomous vehicles.  As mega companies like Google continue to push forward in their quest to create a self-driving vehicle that could eventually be sold to consumers, drivers everywhere should give thought to what a future of self-driving cars could look like and whether these vehicles will reduce Read more . . .

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Fatal Motor Vehicle Accidents Push Accidental Death Rates to New Highs

What are the top causes of fatal car accidents?

For the first time, the National Safety Council has ranked accidental deaths as the third leading cause of death in the United States.  Previously, the top three causes of death were reported as heart disease, cancer, and chronic lower respiratory diseases, with accidents coming in fourth.  The NSC reports that over 161,000 people died in accidents in 2016.  Every second, an American is accidently injured somewhere across the country, with car accidents leading as the number one cause of accidental deaths.

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Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Do I Have a Medical Malpractice Case?

Every year, millions of Americans will seek medical care for an illness, injury, or routine examination.  While most physicians and other medical professionals are competent and well trained, medical malpractice continues to occur at alarmingly high rates nationally.  In fact, a recent John Hopkins study suggests that medical errors lead to over 250,000 deaths each year.  If you believe you have been injured by a medical professional, you are likely wondering whether you have a viable medical malpractice case.

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Monday, January 22, 2018

Slick Road Conditions Lead to Car Accidents

How can I stay safe while driving in snow and ice?

As much of the Northeast braces for another round of snow, motorists are facing dangerous road conditions.  In New Jersey and neighboring Pennsylvania, several major accidents have led to injuries and road closures.  Numerous multiple-vehicle pileups happened across the region and more could be expected as the winter weather intensifies in the coming weeks.

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Monday, January 22, 2018

Top Causes of Bankruptcy

Is credit card debt the top cause of bankruptcy?

Over 800,000 people declare bankruptcy every year.  Bankruptcy can be a powerful tool for individuals strapped with debt to herald in a fresh financial start.  Eligible individuals in New Jersey may be able to file for personal bankruptcy to erase their unsecured debts.  The causes of bankruptcy are numerous, and at times the debt that ultimately leads to bankruptcy is simply unavoidable.

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Friday, December 15, 2017

Ride Sharing Accidents

Who is liable if you are injured in a ride sharing crash?

Ride sharing services like Uber and Lyft have become phenomenally popular in recent years.  Despite the usefulness and immense mainstream appeal of ride sharing, there have been a number of accidents associated with these services.  From serious car accidents to several instances of violence by ride sharing drivers, ride sharing passengers need to be prepared to take action if they are injured while riding in an Uber or Lyft vehicle.
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Friday, December 8, 2017

Deadly Train Crashes in New Jersey

What are the causes of train accidents?

Trains are one of the oldest and most trusted forms of transportation in the United States.  While statistically trains are safer than travel by car, several major accidents in New Jersey highlight the potential risks of train crashes.

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