The Cassidy Law Firm Blog

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Safety Tips for Athletes

Athlete and sports injuries are, unfortunately, a prominent category in personal injury law. Some injuries are beyond our control. We cannot, of course, control others and there will be situations where a person’s negligent action or inaction will result in an accident causing injuries. There are, however, steps athletes can take to help stay safer on and off the field. Here, we will review several key safety tips for athletes.

Safety Tips for Athletes

Being active is an important part of living a healthy lifestyle. Remember, however, to do it the right way. Whether you are engaging in a team sport, or just trying to be more active by running or cycling, take care of yourself while doing so. For instance, staying hydrated is a key element of exercising without doing damage to your health or risking injury. Especially as we approach the warm summer months, hydration can become even more important. Dehydration can have a number of profound and negative impacts on your body. Remember to drink your water before, during, and after physical activity!

It is also important to ready your body for both the start of more intense physical activity as well as preparing it to stop more intense physical activity. This means that you should not neglect a good warm-up or cool down. Warming up will help your blood beginning circulating more to your muscle groups and prepare your body for more rigorous activity. Cooling down can prevent cramping. A good stretch and cool down can help release the lactic acid that has built up in your muscles over the course of your exercising.

Athletes should also use safety equipment, use safety equipment properly, and check safety equipment prior to playing a sport or engaging in physical activity. For instance, many sports and exercise activities merit the use of a helmet. Make sure your helmet fits you correctly and that you are wearing it the right way. This will not only make it effective but maximize its effectiveness. If you are going for a bike ride, wear bright clothing to make yourself more visible to others. Check your tire pressure and your brakes. Far more injuries than you may think could have been easily preventable should a person have performed proper maintenance on equipment and used proper safety gear.

You should also be cleared by your doctor before sports participation or ramping up on a new exercise routine. A physical evaluation will also include a review of your medical history. Those with underlying health conditions, such as a heart condition or Type 1 or 2 diabetes should definitely make a point to get a physical evaluation and be cleared by a doctor before starting a sport or a new exercise regimen.

New Jersey Personal Injury Attorneys

Have you sustained a sports-related injury? You may be able to bring a personal injury claim seeking compensation for the harm you have incurred. Talk to the experienced personal injury team at The Cassidy Law Firm about your options. Contact us today.

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