The Cassidy Law Firm Blog

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

What Not to Do After a Car Accident

After a car accident, you may be injured and disoriented. On top of the anxiety and pain you may be feeling, there will be several things you will need to do. There will be insurance companies to deal with and medical treatment to receive. While there are things you will need to do, there are also things that you should not do and they are very important to be aware of.

What Not to Do After a Car Accident

First and foremost, do not leave the scene of an accident. Do not forget to call 911 to report the accident. Calling 911 will bring the police to the scene and a police report will be generated as a result. The police report will act as critical evidence in any injury claim you bring later on as it will be official documentation regarding important details about the accident. Things such as road conditions, names and contact information of the parties involved, and how the accident occurred will all be noted.

In addition to the accident report, you will want to gather other information. Do not forget to gather documentation, if you are able to, after an accident. For instance, if you can take pictures at the scene, do so. Get the names and contact information for any witnesses to the accident. It will also be helpful if you can get the witnesses to write a brief statement about what they saw.

Do not admit fault at the scene of the accident or later on when talking to other people, especially insurance providers. You, of course, can be honest about what happened in the accident, but refrain from making statements assigning yourself as the party at fault for causing the accident. Saying these kinds of things can be used against you later on by an insurance company. They can use this as a reason for not paying out on your claim.

Do not lose your temper after an accident. Losing your cool after an accident can only lead to bad things. You may very well be angry or overwhelmed that the accident happened. Try and stay calm. Becoming consumed by your emotions can lead to more harm. It is never worth it. Focus on documenting the accident and taking care of yourself. Seek medical treatment for your injuries and comply with doctor recommendations for follow-up care that may be needed. Report the accident to your insurance provider as you are contractually obligated to do so.

Do not go on social media. This is a big thing in today’s social media-focused world. Try your best to resist the urge to go on social media and definitely avoid posting anything about the accident. Insurance companies can use your posts as evidence to try and reject or undermine any injury claim you may end upbringing. Even seemingly innocent statements can be misconstrued into things like admitting fault or admitting that you were not hurt in the accident.

Car Accident Injury Attorneys

There is so much to do, and so much not to do, after a car accident. Let the trusted personal injury attorneys at the Cassidy Law Firm help you carry the burden. We will focus on fighting for your legal right to full and fair compensation for your injuries so that you can focus on recovering from the accident and taking care of your health. Contact us today.

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