The Cassidy Law Firm Blog

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Construction Worker Run Over by Coworker in Parking Lot Accident

You will commonly see construction on roadways, sidewalks, and parking lots. This upkeep is necessary to keep these areas safe for drivers and pedestrians. In working to keep others safe, construction crews work with heavy equipment, hazardous materials, and in busy thoroughfares. The construction workers put their safety at risk to improve roadway conditions for everyone. Not only is the nature of the work construction crews engage in dangerous, but the areas where construction occurs are often dangerous as well. Take parking lots, for instance. The National Safety Council (NSC) has found that one in five accidents occur in parking lots. 

The small, crowded space of parking lots, as well as the fact that the NSC reports that two-thirds of drivers are likely to be pulling into shopping centers while distracted, makes parking lots an often overlooked threat to driver and pedestrian safety. The lower speeds of parking lots can give drivers a false sense of security and make them feel safe to look at their mobile devices. Sending a text or making a call at a low speed may seem safe enough, but the consequences of taking your eyes off the parking lot can have devastating, even fatal consequences. Construction workers and other parking lot drivers need to place their full attention on their surroundings or someone could be seriously injured.

Construction Worker Run Over by Coworker in Parking Lot Accident

On April 12, 2019, New Jersey was once again reminded of the dangers posed to construction workers and those in parking lots in general. On this day, a man was fatally injured when his coworker backed into him in a New Jersey Costco. At around 10:30 in the morning, the driver accidentally backed his 2007 GMC pickup truck into his coworker. The victim was struck by the truck at around 10:30 in the morning. The two were conducting repair work on the curb line of the Costco parking lot on Chestnut Drive in Union. The driver did not mean to put the truck into reverse. Once he did, he lost control of the vehicle and ran over the victim before bringing the truck to a stop. The victim was apparently dragged through a mulched area before the truck came to rest in an adjacent parking lot. Police report that the coworker has cooperated with the ongoing investigation and no charges were filed right away.

Unfortunately, construction site injuries and parking lot injuries like this are all too common. Driver negligence, especially when reversing a vehicle, can have devastating consequences like this. On construction sites and off, take care when you are starting up your vehicle. Take a minute before you throw your car into gear. Check your mirrors. Double check your blind spots. Avoid accelerating when backing out of a parking space. These are all things you can do to help us all stay safer.

New Jersey Parking Lot Accident Attorney

Whether you were working on a construction site or just finishing up your grocery shopping, if you have been injured in a parking lot accident, The Cassidy Law Firm wants you to know that we are here for you. We will help you recover compensation for your injuries that you are legally entitled to. We proudly serve Shrewsbury and Monmouth County. Contact us today.

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