Personal Injury FAQs

Do I have a strong case?

I have fully recovered from my injuries. Do I still have a case?

How does my attorney get paid?

How long will my lawsuit take?

What is my role in the lawsuit?

Q: Do I have a strong case?

Whether or not you have a strong case depends on a variety of factors, including the nature and extent of your injuries or property damage, who is at fault and whether the defendant has sizable assets or adequate insurance coverage, and how long ago the accident or injury occurred. An attorney can evaluate your case in light of these and other factors, and give you a realistic assessment of what you can expect.

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Q: I have fully recovered from my injuries. Do I still have a case?

Absolutely. Even if you have fully recovered from your injuries, you are still entitled to compensation for injuries caused by another’s negligence.

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Q: How does my attorney get paid?

Most personal injury attorneys work on “contingency,” which means that if they agree to take you case, they will take a percentage of the recovery, whether by settlement or a trial verdict. Many advance the court fees and other related expenses, while others expect the client to cover some or all of the costs. If the attorney advances costs, those are reimbursed from your eventual recovery.

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Q: How long will my lawsuit take?

This, too, depends on many factors. Most cases settle prior to trial, but if a settlement is not reached, your case will progress through discovery and trial which can take a year or longer in many jurisdictions. Additionally, you may not want to resolve your case too quickly if you are still seeking medical treatment and all of the related expenses have not yet been calculated.

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Q: What is my role in the lawsuit?

Your attorney will take care of all of the legal aspects of your case. You may be asked to participate in discovery by answering written questions or giving oral testimony in a deposition. If your case goes to trial, you will likely be expected to appear in court. Throughout the duration of your case, you must obtain appropriate medical care and make your doctor, physical therapy, or other appointments.

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