Derek M. Cassidy

Derek M. Cassidy

Derek M. Cassidy graduated from Syracuse University, cum laude, in 2002, where he majored in Pre-Med and graduated with a B.A. in Political Philosophy. He then attended the University of Miami Law School and University of Miami School of Business Administration where he obtained a joint J.D. degree in law and an M.B.A. degree with a business concentration in finance. He has a detailed job history in both the legal and financial fields.

Derek Cassidy was admitted to the New Jersey Bar in 2007 and the New York Bar in 2008. He has been an Associate at The Cassidy Law Firm located in Shrewsbury, NJ since February, 2008. The firm practices law throughout the country.

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750 Broad Street, Suite 3, Shrewsbury, NJ 07702
| Phone: (732) 747-3999

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