The Cassidy Law Firm Blog

Monday, June 22, 2020

How to Stay Safe on the Road this Summer

Winter storms are finally behind us, spring has passed, and the warmth of summer is here! There is no better time to get out on the open road and see new sites with your family and friends. It is no wonder summer is one of the busiest traffic seasons. Everyone takes long-awaited vacations and goes out on adventures. Be prepared to maximize the fun of the season by taking proper precautions upfront. The increase in people out and about to enjoy the beautiful weather can make for hazardous road conditions. Take proactive steps to stay safe this summer season.

How to Stay Safe on the Road this Summer

There are a few simple, but important things you can do to stay safe on the road this summer. For instance, getting your vehicle ready for summer travel can save you a great deal of stress, anxiety, and potential injury later on. Be sure to perform regular maintenance on your vehicle such as changing the oil, getting a tune-up, and conducting regular battery and tire pressure checks. Checking tire pressure regularly is especially important in the summer as the summer heat can impact pressure levels. To help decrease your risk of having a tire blowout, make an extra effort to monitor tire pressure and keep a spare tire in your car, just in case.

Minimize distractions while behind the wheel. Distractions come in a wide variety of forms. Avoid anything that takes your focus away from the road. This means not eating while driving. Use mealtimes as a good excuse to take a driving break. Also, minimize chatting with passengers. While talking to passengers can be a great way to pass the time on a long trip, it can also be just as distracting as talking on a mobile device. Speaking of mobile devices, do not text or check email messages while driving. If you are using your phone for directions, and you have the option, let a passenger take on the role as navigator.

While many of us have come to rely on GPS to get us where we want to go, the reliance can be dangerous. Looking at a GPS takes our eyes off of the road. We also often fail to stop and review the route prior to heading out on the road. This means that many are unfamiliar with the route. This can lead to sudden turns, confusion, and general distraction from the road. Review your route before you leave on your trip. Always bring a road map with you just in case! GPS devices are not infallible and you don’t want them breaking when you do not know where you are.

Avoid driving while fatigued. Long road trips can really drain a driver of energy. Take regular breaks and limit driving at night as much as possible. Nighttime driving means an increased chance of driving while fatigued as well as a decrease in visibility due to dark, nighttime conditions. Get a good night of rest before driving and if you ever start to feel drowsy behind the wheel, pull over.

New Jersey Personal Injury Attorneys

We are sharing the road with more people in the summer than in any other season. Let’s all work to keep each other safe out there. Should someone else fail to uphold their duty to drive safely, the dedicated personal injury attorneys at Cassidy law Firm are here for you. If you have been injured in an accident, contact us today.

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