Car Accident

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Am I Supposed to Call 911 After an Accident in NJ?

Few things are as traumatic as being involved in a traffic accident. In addition to sustaining damage to your motor vehicle, you also may have suffered a personal injury as well.

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Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Distracted Driver: Can You Prove it in an Accident Claim

In today’s connected world, many things are demanding our attention. From smartphone calls and texts to notifications from social media and websites, it seems we cannot escape these distractions, even when driving our cars. Distracted driving can also happen when a driver is talking to his or her passengers, using a rearview mirror to fix appearances, eating or drinking while the car is in motion, and even adjusting the setting on the vehicle’s infotainment system. These distractions can lead to traffic accidents, as a momentary lapse of concentration can have catastrophic consequences. 

If you are injured in a

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Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Distracted Driving in the Garden State: What You Need to Know

A momentary lapse of concentration can lead to a lifetime of problems. Distracted driving is a major cause of traffic accidents. Taking your eye off the road for even a few moments can cause your car to drift out of the lane and into a vehicle in an adjacent or oncoming one. The New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety claims that almost 800,000 accidents from 2012 to 2016 were the result of distracted driving. This is why New Jersey has started cracking down on distracted driving, focusing specifically on the use of handheld devices while operating a motor vehicle.

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Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Ridesharing accident – when the driver or Uber/Lyft is liable

In recent years, an increasing number of Pennsylvania residents have been using rideshare services to get around the state. Unlike regular taxi services that operate on a mixture of time and distance charges, rideshares like Uber and Lyft charge their passengers a flat rate for the trip, whether they are heading to Heinz Field to take in a Steelers game or getting a ride to the airport. As a result, these can be convenient and cost-effective, giving customers the ability to book a ride right from their phones. However, like other vehicles, Uber and Lyft drivers get into car accidents, which can injure their passengers, as well as other motorists. Your ability to collect in such accidents depends on the determination of liability in a rideshare accident.

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Tuesday, January 23, 2024

My dog was hurt in a car accident. Can I collect his vet bills and injuries?

Our pets are a big part of our family. This is why so many folks here in Pennsylvania don’t leave home without their dog. Unfortunately, if you get into a car accident, your dog can get injured or even killed as a result of the collision. While nothing can ever replace your family dog, you can make a claim for the injuries. A great deal will depend on the circumstances of your pet in a car accident and which driver was at fault.

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Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Criminal Case and Personal Injury Case – What to Consider When Both Occur After an Accident?

You are driving around Pennsylvania when you are injured in an accident with another vehicle. However, when the police arrive, they decide to take the other driver into custody. It turns out that the other driver was drunk and has just been arrested for a DWI. Despite what you may think, this is an all too common occurrence. The fact that you will be suing someone who is also facing criminal charges can affect your case.

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Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Personal injury claims in a hit and run accident – What should I do?

Few things are as stressful as getting involved in an auto accident, especially if it results in you getting hurt. If the other driver flees the scene of the collision, this can complicate matters immensely.

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Tuesday, February 8, 2022

The Dangers of Drug Impaired Driving

There is often much talk about the dangers of drunk driving. To be clear, drunk driving is incredibly dangers and thousands of lives have been lost due to those drivers under the influence of alcohol. Another form of dangerous driving, however, is driving under the influence of drugs. Drugs, both illegal and legal, can have a profound impact on a person’s ability to safely operate a vehicle. Between October and December of 2020, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 56% of drivers that were involved in serious injury and fatal crashes ended up testing positive for at least one drug in their system.
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Saturday, February 5, 2022

The NHTSA is Campaigning Against Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is dangerous driving. Do you know just how dangerous? The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that there were 3,142 traffic fatalities involving distracted drivers in 2019 alone. Furthermore, an estimated 9% of fatal crashes in 2019 involved distracted drivers and over 26,000 are estimated to have lost their lives in crashes involving distracted drivers between the years of 2012 and 2019. These numbers on their own are staggering. When you consider the fact that the numbers are likely much larger in reality, because distracted driving may not always accurately be reported as the cause of an accident, you will likely start to realize just how deadly distracted driving can be.
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Thursday, January 13, 2022

Winter Road Accidents

New Jersey residents may already be yearning for a break in the rough winter weather. Spring, however, is in the distance and we still have the cold winter months to contend with. In addition to the need for layering clothes and making sure the stock of firewood holds strong in homes, New Jersey residents also need to remain vigilant out on the roads this winter. The treacherous winter weather conditions can be much more than merely inconvenient or unpleasant, they can be downright dangerous, especially when it comes to driving.

Winter Road Accidents

It is never too late to prepare for winter road conditions and so, if you have not yet taken your vehicle in for a comprehensive service, do so now.

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Thursday, January 13, 2022

Teen Driver Dangers

Parents of teens, we salute you! Having a teenager is full of ups and downs. It is a unique time in their life and the push for more and more independence can often leave you both proud and anxious all at the same time. With the teenage years comes the newfound freedom of driving. While you may be relieved that your teen can now drive themselves to school, friends’ houses, and to hopefully run some errands for you, it is also likely that you worry about them. After all, the road can be a dangerous place even for the most experienced drivers.
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