Workers Compensation

Sunday, April 10, 2022

What Do Workers’ Compensation Benefits Include?

If you have been injured or become ill at work, then workers’ compensation can provide valuable benefits to help support you financially during this difficult time. Workers’ compensation is a kind of insurance that employers hold so that there are benefits available to workers who suffer an injury or illness in the course of performing their required job duties.
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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

What Do I Do If I Am Injured at Work?

Workers’ compensation is a kind of insurance that employers have that covers cases where an employee has been injured on the job. In the event of a workplace injury, workers’ compensation should provide much needed medical benefits and other financial assistance to the injured worker. To help ensure that you have access to workers’ compensation benefits after a workplace accident, you should follow certain steps. While Read more . . .

Friday, August 3, 2018

Workers’ Compensation May Cover Medical Marijuana in NJ

What medications are covered under a workers’ compensation claim?

The legalization of medical marijuana in New Jersey has impacted many areas of life and employment. Recently, a New Jersey judge ordered that public employer Freehold Township should reimburse an employee for medical marijuana used to treat his muscular spasticity. This revolutionary workers’ compensation case could hold broader import for private employers and employees making..

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Friday, April 13, 2018

NJ Court to Decide Whether Volunteer Firefighter Can Receive Workers’ Comp

Can I receive workers’ compensation benefits if I am injured while volunteering?

Volunteers change the world with their willingness to donate their time to help others. While many volunteers feel that volunteering has a positive impact on their lives, some volunteer positions come with risks. Those that volunteer in fire departments, rescue agencies, schools, and animal shelters, among other positions, could be injured while helping. Legal questions then arise as to who is liable for the injuries suffered by volunteers.

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Saturday, April 15, 2017

Fatal Work Injuries On the Rise in New Jersey

What causes fatal work injuries in New Jersey?

A recent report by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reveals that fatal work injuries are on the rise in New Jersey.  In March of 2015, fatal work injuries totaled nearly 100 in the state, a ten percent increase from the previous year.  A similar trend was revealed nationwide, with 4,836 fatal occupational injuries recorded in 2015, up from 4,821 in 2014.
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Thursday, March 16, 2017

Beyond Workers’ Compensation: Intentional Harm Lawsuits Against Employers

Can I sue my employer outside of the workers’ compensation system?

Each year, approximately 5,000 employees are killed in workplace accidents, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.  Millions more employees sustain injuries or illnesses that require time off work.  Seriously injured employees may find themselves with considerable medical bills and the inability to return to their prior job position.  For most injured employees, recourse against your employer will be limited to the remedies set out in the New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Statute, or N.J.
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Monday, February 27, 2017

Court Rules Employee Shot in Front of his Workplace Can Receive Workers’ Comp

Does Workers Compensation cover an employee on the grounds of the workplace?

While employees are not covered by workers’ compensation during the time they commute to and from work, a Commonwealth Court in Philadelphia has just ruled that the employee of a convenience store who was shot while sitting in a car just outside his workplace, is entitled to workers’ benefits. Clearly, the circumstances under which workers’ compensation is available to employees are not cut and dried.

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Monday, December 26, 2016

Court Says Drunkenness Not A Bar To Workers’ Compensation

Typically, if someone gets hurt because they are drunk on the job, they are not going to be able to get workers’ compensation to pay for their injuries. But a recent ruling from a New Jersey appeals court highlights an exception to the rule against covering injuries to people who are intoxicated.
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Monday, November 14, 2016

Part-Time New Jersey Employee Receives Full-Time Worker's Compensation

When a part-time employee is injured, how should worker's comp benefits for future lost earnings be calculated?

A recent unpublished ruling in a New Jersey worker's compensation case helps clarify how benefits may be calculated for an employee working part-time when injured. The petitioner in the case, a part-time employee at Costco, was seeking workers compensation for a permanent partial disability. She asked that it be calculated based upon a "reconstructed" workweek.

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