Winter weather during the New Jersey holiday season significantly increases drivers’ chances of being involved in a severe car accident. The last thing you want is to spend your holidays in the hospital after a crash, so follow these tips for avoiding car accidents while driving in winter weather:
Prepare Your Vehicle
Before heading out, make sure your vehicle is in good condition for winter driving. Check the pressure and tread depth on your tires, as colder temperatures can cause tires to lose air, and worn treads reduce traction on icy roads. Additionally, make sure your windshield wipers work and that your wiper fluid reservoir is full with a winter-resistant formula. Finally, check the charge in your battery since cold weather can strain it, increasing the chance of catastrophic failure.
Slow Down and Increase Following Distance
In wet or icy conditions, it’s crucial to reduce your speed. Slower speeds give you more control and space to maneuver in an emergency. Similarly, increase the space between you and the vehicle ahead to allow extra time for braking.
Stay Focused and Limit Distractions
With holiday excitement and more people on the road, it’s tempting to get distracted by your GPS, phone, or even holiday music. However, focusing on the road is essential, especially in bad weather. Avoid using your phone, adjusting the radio, or engaging in conversations that take your attention from driving. Staying alert and anticipating the actions of other drivers around you is crucial for avoiding a severe collision.
Use Your Lights Wisely
Visibility often decreases in winter due to snow, fog, or rain, making it harder to see other vehicles. Turn on your headlights whenever visibility is low, and make sure they’re clean and functioning properly. Using your lights helps other drivers spot you sooner, reducing the chance of collisions in poor weather conditions. However, do not use your high beams in heavy fog, as doing so can make it harder to see other cars or potential hazards.
Avoid Sudden Movements
Quick maneuvers like sharp turns, sudden stops, or abrupt lane changes can easily cause you to lose control on icy or wet roads. Instead, make gradual adjustments to your speed and direction. Slow down well before turns and apply the brakes gently to avoid skidding. If you start to slide, gently steer in the direction you want to go and avoid slamming on the brakes.
Plan Extra Travel Time
With winter weather and holiday congestion, roads are often slower than usual. Give yourself extra time to reach your destination so you won’t feel pressured to speed or take risks.
Avoid Driving When Tired
Holiday celebrations can mean late nights and early mornings, which may leave you more tired than usual. Driving while fatigued can reduce your reaction time and make it harder to focus. If you’re feeling drowsy, take a break or switch drivers if possible.
Watch for Pedestrians and Cyclists
Because of holiday preparations and events, more pedestrians and cyclists are on the road, especially near shopping centers or holiday light displays. Stay vigilant in these areas, especially during dusk and evening hours. Slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary, as pedestrians might not see you or be distracted.
What To Do After a Car Accident During the Holidays
No matter how cautious you are, accidents can happen while driving in winter weather. If you’re involved in a crash, seek immediate medical treatment, then talk to a Shrewsbury, NJ, car accident lawyer. The Cassidy Law Firm, LLC, can help you by documenting your injuries, negotiating a fair settlement with the insurance companies, and representing you in court if necessary. Call us today or complete our contact form for a free consultation.