
Although many people consider shoplifting to be a minor crime it can have serious consequences if you are convicted. Along with the immediate penalties that follow a conviction for shoplifting, a shoplifting conviction can have a far reaching, negative long-term impact on your life.

At The Cassidy Law Firm we take every criminal case we handle seriously because we understand that for you, the client, the case may be the most important thing in your life at the moment. We zealously protect your rights and defend the accusations against you. Contact our office today 732-747-3999 or 888-386-4098 to find out how we can help you.

What Is Shoplifting in New Jersey?

Although the New Jersey statutes relating to the criminal offense of shoplifting are lengthy, they can be summarized by defining shoplifting as any of the following:

  • Taking merchandise without paying the merchant the full value
  • Concealing merchandise with the intention of not paying the merchant the full value
  • Altering the price of merchandise with the intention of depriving the merchant of the full value
  • Transferring merchandise to another container with the intent to deprive the merchant of the full value
  • Under-ringing merchandise with the intent to deprive the merchant of the full value
  • Removing a shopping cart without permission from the merchant

What are the Penalties for Shoplifting in New Jersey?

The potential penalties for a shoplifting conviction in New Jersey will depend on the level at which the offense was charged. The severity of the charge depends on the value of the merchandise in question. The offenses are as follow:

  • Disorderly Persons Offense – full retail value under $200
  • 4th Degree – retail value between $200-$500
  • 3rd Degree – retail value between$500 and $75,000. OR offense is committed in furtherance of or in conjunction with an organized retail theft enterprise and the full retail value of the merchandise is less than $1,000.
  • 2nd Degree – retail value over $75,000. OR committed in furtherance of in conjunction with an organized retail theft enterprise and the full retail value of the merchandise is $1,000 or more.

Along with mandatory community service, New Jersey law provides the following potential penalties for a shoplifting conviction:

  • Disorderly Persons Offense – Up to 6 months in jail and up to a $1,000 fine.
  • 4th Degree – Imprisonment of up to 18 months and up to a $1,000 fine.
  • 3rd Degree – Imprisonment for 3 to 5 years and up to a $15,000 fine.
  • 2nd Degree – Imprisonment for 5 to 10 years and up to a $150,000 fine.

In addition to the statutory penalties for a shoplifting conviction, you will likely find that a shoplifting conviction creates a hurdle when seeking future employment in many industries. Shoplifting charges are viewed as theft convictions. For many people, the impact a conviction has on future employment opportunities is reason enough to fight a shoplifting charge.

Our experienced New Jersey Criminal Defense Attorneys at The Cassidy Law Firm know what you are going through as a defendant in a criminal prosecution. We can help by aggressively defending you and your rights. Contact us today at 732-747-3999 or 888-386-4098 to make an appointment to get started with your defense.

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